Teck Resources donates thousands of hectares of land for conservation – by Jeffrey Jones (Globe and Mail – June 6, 2022)


Teck Resources Ltd. is donating 14,000 hectares of land in Canada and Chile for conservation as part of a plan to preserve or rehabilitate three times as much area as it disturbs by 2030.

Teck, a Vancouver-based copper, zinc and coal miner, said the effort includes donations of tracts of land in eastern British Columbia to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). It is also partnering with Chile’s Ollagüe Quechua Indigenous community to protect wetlands near the company’s Quebrada Blanca operations, close to the Bolivian border. The donations will be equivalent to 40 per cent of the company’s mining footprint.

In addition to the land grants, Teck will contribute $22.6-million to conservation efforts, including the establishment of an Indigenous stewardship fund to help communities build up capacity to help protect ecosystems in those regions.

The company’s stated goal is to become “nature-positive” in all its operating areas within the next seven and a half years. To accomplish that, it will need to halt, then reverse, the loss of ecosystems in those places.

For the rest of this article: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-teck-resources-donates-thousands-of-hectares-of-land-as-part-of/