Saudi Arabia of lithium: The future of mining in Afghanistan and Pakistan – by Gordon Feller (Canadian Mining Journal – December 19, 2024)

Afghanistan and Pakistan possess significant mineral resources that have attracted China’s interest. This fact has shaped what China does to grow its broader economic and geopolitical strategy in the region. This article provides a short survey, for both countries, of the mineral deposits, current mining production, and China’s efforts to increase its influence.

Afghanistan’s mineral resources

Afghanistan is estimated to have mineral deposits worth up to US$1 trillion, including vast reserves of copper, iron, gold, lithium, and rare earth elements. Some of the key mineral resources include the following:

Copper: The Mes Aynak copper deposit in Logar province is one of the world’s largest undeveloped copper reserves. In 2007, a Chinese consortium won a 30-year, US$3 billion contract to develop this site, though progress has been slow because of security concerns.

Iron: Afghanistan has an estimated 2.2 billion tonnes of iron ore reserves, placing it among the top 10 countries for extractable iron. The Hajigak mine in Bamyan province contains 1.7 billion tonnes of high-grade ore.

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