Opinion: When resource companies leave a toxic mess, First Nations are stuck with the consequences – by Tanya Talaga (Globe and Mail – December 14, 2024)


Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation Elder Jimmy Johnny no longer fishes in the waters that generations of his family members have relied on since memories are remembered.

This past summer, 68 dead fish were found in beautiful Haggart Creek, downstream from the site of an environmental disaster that occurred on June 24 at Victoria Gold Corp.’s Eagle Gold mine, on the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun traditional territory, near Mayo in central Yukon.

Four million tonnes of cyanide-laced rocks gave way at the open pit gold-mining site, crushing infrastructure and releasing two million tonnes of materials containing cyanide into the local environment, leaving a giant, absolutely heartbreaking mess in some of the most beautiful mountainous lands and valleys left on this warming planet.

For the rest of this column: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-when-resource-companies-leave-a-toxic-mess-first-nations-are-stuck/