Niger government continues to support Dasa, Global Atomic says (World Nuclear News – August 14, 2024)

“We continue to make significant progress at our Dasa Uranium Project, currently employing over 450 people at site and expecting to increase that number to 900 once plant construction is in full swing,” Roman said. “We have an excellent relationship with the government and have the support of their entire cabinet, as they appreciate the jobs and economic benefit that Dasa will create for Niger.”

More than 1200 metres of ramp development has been completed since the November 2022 Opening Blast Ceremony, with 7000 tonnes of development ore hauled to surface to date. Mine development is continuing, and raise boring is now under way for the main components of the mine’s ventilation infrastructure.

Earthworks to prepare the site for construction of the Dasa processing plant, as well as expansion of the Dajy Camp to house employees and construction crews, began in the second quarter of the year. The project’s acid plant has been fabricated and is now being shipped to the site.

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