OPINION: Canada’s other (and worse) housing crisis – by Editorial Board (Globe and Mail – March 21, 2024)


Ask any Canadian politician about the housing crisis these days and, no matter their political stripe, they will recite party lines about what is being done, or ought to be done, to ensure that everyone has access to affordable and safe housing that is appropriate to their needs.

Then, just for fun, say, no, you meant the housing crisis on First Nations reserves – the one where Indigenous people are four times more likely than non-Indigenous people to live in overcrowded housing, and six times more likely to live in homes that don’t meet basic standards.

That other crisis, in which there is a shortage of 55,320 houses but since 2018 the federal government has only provided money to build 11,754; where there are 80,650 existing units in need of repairs – including the removal of toxic black mould in some cases – but Ottawa has only provided the cash to fix 15,859 of them.

The crisis where Indigenous Services Canada and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation are supposed to meet First Nations housing needs by 2030, but are only 20 per cent of the way to that goal.

For the rest of this column: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/editorials/article-canadas-other-and-worse-housing-crisis/