Over 64% of the 191 social conflicts registered in recent months in Peru are linked to social and environmental concerns related to mining operations, the most updated figures released by the Ombudsman Office show.
This is the reality that the new president of the Andean country will have to deal with. According to local media, this is particularly the case in the southern regions of Cusco, Puno, Apurímac, Moquegua, Arequipa y Tacna, which concentrated 30% of the social unrest.
One of the main issues relates to the Southern Mining Runway, which goes through the southeastern Cusco department, the south-central Apurímac department and reaches the southwestern Arequipa department all the way to the Matarani-Arequipa port, where products are shipped to Asia.
The road is used to transport concentrate from MMG’s Las Bambas copper mine, Hudbay Minerals’ Constancia copper mine and Glencore-controlled Antapaccay copper mine.
For years now, communities along the corridor have complained about pollution caused by mining trucks and demand compensation from the companies making use of the way.
For the rest of this article: https://www.mining.com/new-peruvian-president-to-deal-with-dozens-of-mining-related-conflicts/