HARARE — Lawmakers in Zimbabwe are preparing to summon ex-president Robert Mugabe to answer for his management of the diamond sector, which he nationalized in 2016.
Mugabe announced the state seizure two years ago on Zimbabwe state TV, saying, “There has been a lot of secrecy … and we have been blinded. We have not received much from the diamond industry at all.”
Foreign mining companies operating in the country were quick to challenge the stop-work orders in court, and some cases are still pending.
But analysts question Mugabe’s 2016 assertion that as much as $15 billion in diamond revenue was missing, and it was the fault of the foreign companies. Now, the parliamentary mines committee wants answers.
“He must be able to tell the country where he got these figures from,” the head of the parliamentary committee, Temba Mliswa, told VOA. “It is not witch hunting.
For the rest of this article: https://www.voanews.com/a/zimbabwe-parliament-shine-light-diamond-sector-robert-mugabe/4342344.html