Northern Manitoba has untapped mining potential – by Blaine Pedersen (Thompson Citizen – April 11, 2018)

Blaine Pedersen is the Manitoba Minister of Growth, Enterprise and Trade.

The past 20 years have not been kind to the mining industry in Manitoba. Low metal prices, challenges in raising capital and the previous NDP government’s adversarial attitude toward the industry have all contributed to a sharp decline in mineral exploration and mine development in the province.

Times have changed for the better! We are open for business and our government is committed to reduce the burden of red tape, manage the province’s fiscal situation and reduce the tax load on companies and Manitoba families. These improvements will have a positive impact on all sectors of the provincial economy, including the mining industry.

We are developing a clear focus on expectations for local communities and the exploration/mining industry. To this end, Ron Evans and Jim Downey have been tasked to develop a Mineral Development Protocol.

This protocol will assist everyone from prospectors to local communities to mine developers to work together for the mutual benefit of all. The establishment of this protocol will be a clear signal to investors that Manitobans welcome development opportunities for their mineral sector.

Having recently attended the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) convention in Toronto, the world’s largest mining and trade exposition, it was very encouraging to meet with so many development companies that are already working in Manitoba.

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