Timmins team making final pitch to Noront – by Len Gillis (Timmins Daily Press – January 31, 2018)


TIMMINS – Team Timmins is in Toronto today hoping to bring good news the top executives of Noront Resources Ltd., the Canadian mining company that has the biggest claim in the Ring of Fire mining development.

Timmins is among four Northern Ontario communities that have responded to an official invitation from Noront on why their communities would be the best to host a new ferrochrome processing facility.

Along with Timmins, the cities of Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury and Thunder Bay are responding to the same bid. Mayor Steve Black, also a mining engineer, who is part of the Timmins team, said he believes this city’s bid has advantages.

“I think we are in a good position. Obviously I am sure most of the communities feel good about where they are now, but we have a unique benefit in the site that we do have being an active site and having a lot of infrastructure available,” Black said.

He explained that this includes things such as modern, high capacity hydro-electric lines, natural gas lines, railway lines along with a modern highway.

“We feel we have been able to address all the concerns within the project, and have really made the best case we can for the Timmins proposal,” said the mayor.

Black said Timmins has rounded up significant support from other Northern Ontario communities that have an interest in seeing future growth opportunities for the Ontario Northland Railway. This includes support from North Bay and Cochrane.

For the rest of this article: http://www.timminspress.com/2018/01/30/timmins-team-making-final-pitch-to-noront