Timmins Sage Gold ramping up operations (Timmins Daily Press – January 9, 2018)


TIMMINS – Sage Gold Inc. the company that has 100% ownership of the Clavos Mine in Timmins, reports that its bulk sampling program has so far yielded almost 800 ounces of gold and expects to mill even more this month despite the unexpectedly cold temperatures in the past two weeks.

The information contained in a news release said the bulk sample so far represents what the company called “lower grade pre-stope development rock” mined by Sage and well as broken rock left by the previous mine operator, St. Andrew Goldfields Ltd.

“To date, the company has completed three mill runs between October and December 2017, as part of its bulk sampling program, yielding approximately 790 ounces of gold,” the company stated in its release.

The Clavos ore was processed at the Stock Mill which is owned by McEwen Mining. It is located at the Black Fox complex west of Matheson. The company expects another complete mill run will take place before the end of this month.

From an operational perspective, severe cold weather has hampered outside surface crushing at Clavos with numerous mechanical failures limiting the movement of crushed mineralized material from Clavos to the custom mill site 10 kilometres away, said the company.

For the rest of his article: http://www.timminspress.com/2018/01/09/sage-gold-ramping-up-operations