Northern Life, Greater Sudbury’s community newspaper, gave Republic of permission to post Bill Bradley’s article. (This artilce was originally published on November 12, 2008)
Some Greater Sudbury businesses are having trouble getting paid by Vale Inco.
It is not because Vale Inco is broke, but because of a new invoicing system that is being implemented by the company, said small businesses in Lively and Vale Inco itself.
Harry Sheppard, owner of Home Hardware in Lively, said Tuesday morning that some smaller business customers cannot pay him for what they have purchased because they in turn have not been paid by Vale Inco.
“I do not have much business with Vale Inco myself. However, it is affecting a dozen businesses in the Walden area that deal with my store. They say they will pay me when Vale Inco pays them,” said Sheppard.
“These business customers of mine are good customers so the fault does not lie with them.”