As we build a vision of Canada, let’s make sure it has more Canada in it – by Dan Breznitz (Globe and Mail – October 19, 2024)

Any follower of Canadian news is overwhelmed by the amount of doom and gloom about Canada’s economic future. Rightly so. We should not only be worried, but also forcefully demand that Canadian businesses finally embrace innovation to significantly improve productivity, and that our government focus less on symbolic politics and more on putting the country back on track.

I would be the first to admit that in this series I have been at the forefront of this choir of despair, documenting our alarming decline, how systemic and deep-set our problems have become, how unproductive and lacking in innovation our business sector is, and how our government is structured in a way that ensures it is not fit for purpose.

However, amid this angst we need to also look at our great achievements as a society. We must stop, take a collective breath, and realize that we are still one of the world’s most successful societies – not a small accomplishment in a world that is deeply troubled and offers less and less hope for more and more people.

There are two important reasons why we should do this:

For the rest of this column: