We have been racing to destroy our standard of living to avert a crisis that never materialized
We must by now be getting reasonably close the point where there is a consensus for re-examining the issue of climate change and related subjects.
For decades, those of us who had our doubts were effectively shut down by the endless deafening repetition, as if from the massed choir of an operatic catechism school, of the alleged truism: “98 per cent of scientists agree …” (that the world is coming to an end in a few years if we don’t abolish the combustion engine).
Decades have gone by in which the polar bears were supposed to become extinct because of the vanishing polar ice cap, the glaciers were supposed to have melted in the rising heat and the impact of melting ice would raise ocean levels to the point that Pacific islands, such as former U.S. vice-president Al Gore’s oratorical dreamworld, the Pacific island state of Tuvalu, would only be accessible to snorkelers.
For the rest of this column: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/time-for-the-climate-insanity-to-stop