An online petition started by a Sandy Lake First Nation member has collected more than 12,000 signatures as of June 26.
SANDY LAKE – An online petition against Frontier Lithium’s PAK Project is nearing its goal of 15,000 signatures, but Gary Mamagesic likely won’t be adding his name to the list.
Not that the Sandy Lake First Nation member thinks open-pit lithium extraction south of his community is a good idea. Mamagesic said he grew up in Red Lake, where his father worked at an open-pit mine, so he has seen the ugliness of open-pit mining. Then there are his concerns about environmental impacts.
“They’re going to need a lot of water and all the chemicals that are involved (in lithium mining),” he said. He said water levels could drop, adversely affecting the abundant fish supply Sandy Lake now enjoys.
Mamagesic said he’s concerned that “once they’re done, we’re going to lose it all.” But he said he likely won’t join the petitioners because the project seems too far along to stop.
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