Mining almost done at Sudbury’s Nickel Rim South Mine – by Harold Carmichael (Sudbury Star – October 27, 2023)

Workers will be transferred to other Glencore operations in the city

The last scoop load of nickel/copper ore is expected to be hoisted to the surface at Nickel Rim South Mine sometime in late March as the mine goes into care and maintenance mode. By then, most of the Skead-area mine’s employees will have been reassigned to other Glencore Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations (Sudbury INO), such as the Craig/Onaping Depth Project.

As of his week, the mine was down to 250 employees as the process has already started. “(The mining) coming to an end,” said Gary Potts, director of Nickel Rim South, during an interview at a community open house on Thursday at the Skead Recreation Centre. “It’s gone three years longer than originally forecast.”

The open house featured updates about what was happening to the mine, current projects, and environmental management, including tailings and dam safety. There was also a display where information about current employment opportunities available at Glencore.

Nickel Rim South turned out to be a very productive mine, said Potts. “In 2008, we started with development ore,” he said. “So far, it’s 17 million tonnes of ore … It was a very good grade deposit. But, what we are mining now is not as high grade. We are finishing things up.”

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