Gatling Resources has connected three high-grade deposits at its Larder Gold Project in northeastern Ontario, and can prove it’s all part of one large mineralized system.
The Vancouver junior miner claims it has successfully drilled gold mineralization between its Fernland and Cheminis deposits.
The company’s Larder Project hosts three high-grade gold deposits – Bear, Cheminis and Fernland – along the Cadillac-Larder Lake Break, 35 kilometres east of Kirkland Lake.
Company president-CEO Nav Dhaliwal called it a “tremendous milestone,” in a Sept. 21 news release. “Prior explorers believed these were stand-alone deposits but, thanks to the remarkable success of Gatling’s program, we’ve established continuous 4.5-kilometre strike length and proved the existence of single, very large gold system.”
The company is 3,000 metres into a 13,000-metre program. A second drill is being brought in to pick up the pace of exploration.
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