Rockcliff Metals Corp. [RCLF-CSE; RO0-FSE; A2H60G-WKLN] has made a new high-grade nickel-PGE (platinum group element) discovery on its 100%-owned Tower property in the Snow Lake area of central Manitoba. This new discovery, termed the TGR nickel-PGE prospect, has returned significant assay results.
TGR is located only 600 metres south of the company’s high-grade, copper-rich Tower deposit. The TGR mineralization was discovered in a previously unexplored area and is associated with ultramafic rocks of the Thompson nickel belt (TNB).
The TNB is a world-class over-300-kilometre-long mining belt with over 60 years of production from high-grade nickel mines with associated copper and cobalt.
Discovery hole TSA20-002 intersected significant nickel-PGE mineralization at a down-hole depth of 244.8 metres. Drilling intersected high-grade nickel, palladium and platinum mineralization over a down-hole interval of 2.40 metres grading 2.53% nickel, 3.08 g/t palladium and 1.04 g/t platinum (3.82% nickel equivalent), including 1.25 metres grading 4.46% Ni, 5.61 g/t Pd and 1.87 g/t Pt (6.79% NiEq).
Alistair Ross, President and CEO, commented: “The Tower property has surprised us yet again with this very significant high tenor nickel-PGE mineralization. Our high-grade, copper-rich Tower deposit is associated with rocks from the Flin Flon-Snow Lake greenstone belt.
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