Agreement stemming from long-term IBA with Vale takes effect June
Z’Gamok Construction LP, a corporation owned by the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation, has secured the ore haulage contract for Vale’s Totten Mine, located about 40 minutes southwest of Sudbury.
In a May 30 news release, Sagamok Chief Nelson Toulouse heralded the news as a historic development for the First Nation, noting the new agreement would enable “greater control over the contract, create more job opportunities and revenue for Sagamok Anishnawbek.”
“This will mean more employment for our community members; therefore, require more equipment and trucks to complete the terms and conditions of the contract,” Toulouse said.
“Z’gamok Construction LP will also have the mandate to pursue other contract opportunities that flow from the IBA (impact benefit agreement).”
Sagamok Anishnawbek, whose name means ‘two points joining,’ is located along the north shore of Lake Huron. The community counts more than 2,000 members, with a little over 50 per cent living on-reserve.
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