About 3,000 workers may be needed in the mining industry by 2027. This follows a report presented by the Far Northeast Training Board (FNETB) at the Canadian Mining Expo at the McIntyre Community Centre on Wednesday. The number is based on workers eligible to retire and foreseen expansions in the next 10 years.
“If something happens in the economy that is out of our control, that may change but our forecast is based on what we know today and that’s all we can go by,” said Julie Joncas, executive director of the Far Northeast Training Board (FNETB).
That 3,000 figure is composed of 2,000 people that can retire by 2027 while 1,000 are from companies expanding their businesses looking for workers. The current workforce in the surveyed region is composed of 6,500 workers. An estimated total of 7,500 will be required by 2027, according to the report.
The survey consists of municipalities along the Highway 11 corridor from Hearst to Latchford, East of Kirkland Lake, extends up to the Quebec border, and includes Timmins, Chapeau, Gogama and the communities along the James Bay Coast.
“We talk to all the active mines in this region. We talk to mining exploration companies and to mining service industries. They provided information to us. They were contacted for an interview and they provided some numbers and we compiled and produced the report,” said Joncas.
For the rest of this article: http://www.timminspress.com/2018/06/06/mining-industry-to-see-shortfall-of-employees-by-2027