PDAC 2018 – Environmental & Social Responsibility Award – Golden Star Resources from PENDA Productions on Vimeo.
http://www.pendaproductions.com/ This video was produced by PENDA Productions, a full service production company specializing in Corporate Communications with a focus on Corporate Responsibility.
Sam Coetzer, President & CEO of Golden Star Resources (left) and Donald Lindsay, President & CEO of Teck Resources Limited
This award honours an individual or organization demonstrating outstanding initiative, leadership and accomplishment in protecting and preserving the natural environment and/or in establishing good community relations during an exploration program or operation of a mine.
Golden Star Resources – For exceptional community relations, commitment to sustainable development, and support for employees and local businesses at its two producing gold mines in Ghana
Golden Star has reached beyond expectations of corporate environmental and social initiatives at its operations on the Ashanti gold belt in Ghana. From protecting and preserving the environment, to encouraging local businesses to supply goods and services to its gold mines, Golden Star is recognized as a global leader in corporate responsibility.
The Toronto-based company is committed to minimizing its environmental footprint at the Wassa and Prestea mines, especially in the areas of water management and rehabilitation. A rigorous monitoring program ensures that indicators such as water and air quality, land disturbance and electricity consumption fall within acceptable limits.
Since operations commenced in 1999, the company has installed more than 200 clean water supply systems to serve local communities, doubling the proportion of households with access to clean, pipe-borne water to at least 30 per cent.
Golden Star is already thinking ahead to long-term land use. The company has integrated two of its open pits into the local hydrology so they act like natural lakes that fill and drain after rainfall.
The lakes are stocked with fish the community can raise and harvest long after mine closure. Similarly, smallholder farmers will be able to manage and harvest oil palm from plantations established on decommissioned tailings facilities for generations to come.
Golden Star has established and maintained positive relationships with the communities near its mines. The Golden Star Development Foundation launched in 2006 donates US$1 for every ounce of gold produced and 0.1% of pre-tax profits to fund development projects selected by the community including schools, health clinics, community centres and scholarships.
In 2016 Golden Star placed second in the Ghanaian mining awards for responsible corporate investments, including support for LOCOMS, an umbrella organization for companies near the Prestea mine that provide mining supply and support services. Its 2,500-strong workforce is 99% Ghanaian and women are represented strongly on both its board of directors and management team.
Golden Star’s initiatives to improve local health and safety are unparalleled. The company’s breast cancer awareness program, now in its fourth year, has screened more than 10,000 women and girls in the country. In partnership with a German development agency, Golden Star has implemented a plan combining curative and preventative approaches to health care that has improved employee productivity and overall well-being.
Already aligned with the United Nations’ (UN) Ten Principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, Golden Star is taking the commitment a step further by incorporating the UN’s 2030 Agenda (consisting of 17 goals to end poverty, fight inequality and tackle climate change) into its corporate responsibility program.