Manitoba mining takes deep hit – by Martin Cash (Winnipeg Free Press – February 22, 2018)

Province drops in Fraser Institute survey’s ranking of investment attractiveness

As if things couldn’t get any worse for the mining industry in Manitoba, its ranking in an annual survey on investment attractiveness has dropped dramatically.

In the Fraser Institute’s annual Survey of Mining Companies, which is being released today, Manitoba fell from second place among 104 jurisdictions last year to 18th place among 91 this year.

The survey asks industry players for their views on all sorts of policies from taxation, various types of regulations, availability of skilled labour, political stability, socioeconomic agreements/community development and uncertainty concerning environmental regulations and protected areas.

Not surprisingly, Canadian jurisdictions regularly rank high in the survey, which has been conducted annually since 1997. Manitoba has ranked as high as No. 1 in the past.

But uncertainties over the future of the carbon tax regulations in Manitoba, the current debate about the potential dramatic rise in Manitoba Hydro rates and ongoing uncertainties about protected land and the consultation process with First Nation communities has apparently soured survey respondents about the province this year.

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