Andrew Weaver, the most powerful Green Party politician in Canada, is a smart man. This week he tweeted out a prediction that strikes me as dead on. Despite the posturing of Justin Trudeau and Rachel Notley, he said, “it is virtually certain” that the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion will never be built.
Why won’t it happen? Because despite the approval of the National Energy Board 15 months ago, opposition to the pipeline has only grown. That opposition comes not just from environmentalists and First Nations, but also from the new provincial government in British Columbia.
Most of B.C.’s Lower Mainland population oppose it fiercely. Many people are willing to break the law to block it. In other words, Justin Trudeau’s calculation has blown up in his face.
He thought he could square the climate circle by persuading Canadians to build a pipeline now in exchange for cutting emissions later. The two, he assures us, are inextricably linked. Just trust him, and everyone will be a winner!
But Mr. Weaver, who is leader of the B.C. Green Party, doesn’t buy it. B.C. climate expert Mark Jaccard doesn’t either. Reduce emissions by increasing them? “George Orwell would have fun unpacking this black-is-white logic,” he mocks.
For the rest of this column: