Rare earth element mine could mean big changes for Labrador town – by Evan Careen (St. John’s Telegram – December 20, 2017)


Public asked to comment on project located near St. Lewis

ST. LEWIS, NL – The federal and provincial governments are looking for comments on a proposed rare earth element mine on the south coast of Labrador. The Foxtrot Rare Earth Element Mine Project is currently the subject of an environmental assessment by the provincial government.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) is deciding whether a federal environmental assessment is required. Both processes are currently asking for comments from the public and impacted groups.

The proposed project is near the Town of St. Lewis. Mayor Helen Poole said council certainly plans to submit comments. “I know it’ll have an impact in all the communities in the area, but it’ll really impact us,” she said. “We’re excited but we have to be cautious on how it’s going to impact us, so we want this environmental study done.”

Search Minerals, the mining and exploration company that owns the project, plans to mine for elements such as neodymium, praseodymium, europium, terbium, dysprosium, and yttrium.

The company discovered what it calls the Port Hope Simpson Rare Earth Element District, a belt about 70 kilometres long and up to eight kilometres wide. The proposal is to start with an open pit operating for six months of the year (May to October) and then moving underground, where it will operate all year.

For the rest of this article: http://www.thetelegram.com/business/rare-earth-element-mine-could-mean-big-changes-for-labrador-town-171688/