BC’s NDP-led govt talks up exploration, mining as basis for building burgeoning communities – by Henry Lazenby (MiningWeekly.com – September 26, 2017)


VANCOUVER (miningweekly.com) – British Columbia is ‘ground zero’ for mining in Canada, as technological advances require an ever-increasing volume of metals to satisfy improving standards of living and produce environment-friendly technologies.

This was the key message to attendees at the fourth yearly Resource Breakfast Series held in Vancouver on Tuesday.

“Mining builds communities,” Mining Association of BC president and CEO Bryan Cox stressed, pointing out that it was thanks to the gold rush and burgeoning mining industry more than a century ago that a provincial government was established to oversee the unprecedented influx of miners – all in search of personal fortunes in the harsh, but prospective mountain territory.

He argued that every community in the province is indeed a mining community, especially since British Columbia produces the most copper and the most steelmaking coal in Canada – ingredients critical to the establishment and maintenance of a vibrant domestic economy.

“Mining continues to build and sustain communities in British Columbia. This is the most important discussion that we can have: how mining continues to affect everybody, every day, in almost every imaginable way,” he told the audience comprising several ministers, members of the legislative assembly of British Columbia and key local government and industry leaders.

For the rest of this article: http://www.miningweekly.com/article/bcs-ndp-led-govt-talks-up-exploration-mining-as-basis-for-building-burgeoning-communities-2017-09-26/rep_id:3650