The Daily Press is the city of Timmins broadsheet newspaper.
TIMMINS – Goldcorp has finally received a draft of its air and noise control permit from the Ministry of the Environment regarding the Hollinger open-pit mining project. The news was among the updates provided by Goldcorp/Porcupine Gold Mines general manager Marc Lauzier and superintendent of surface operations Paul Miller at city council on Monday.
“We’re hopeful this will move on fairly quickly,” said Miller, relating to the company receiving news on its MOE permit. “We’ll be stripping overburdens of old construction and getting into the mining activity.”
Also presented to council was an initial rendering of what the Hollinger open pit could look like while mining activity takes place there over a projected 10-year lifespan. Designs show three individual pits, which will be the focus of mining activity on the site.
Miller said the design might be modified as the project moves on. Lauzier added the shape of the pit could change “depending on the economics” and the price of gold.
Miller said three meetings have been held with the Hollinger Project Community Advisory Committee (HPCAC). He went into detail on a number of complaints received from residents about potential activity around the pit, and the subsequent steps taken by the company.
Community feedback included three noise concerns related to the company haul road, three vibration concerns, four safety concerns, two unauthorized access onto private land reports and two environmental concerns.
Miller detailed how each situation was dealt with by the company, many of which included the installation of temporary noise and dust monitors around areas of concern, the placing of a liner on the Vipond Rd. overpass to prevent leaking, and cleaning up trees that had fallen on company property.
A resident raised environmental concerns when silt from the Hollinger site began flowing onto an adjacent property during rainfall. Miller said the company redirected the flow back onto Hollinger property.
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