Changes to claim staking gives B.C. prospectors the jitters – by Nelson Bennett(Business In Vancouver – January 20, 2025)

Mineral Tenure Act changes a hot topic at annual Roundup conference for mineral exploration

While many business leaders in the resources sector are exercised over the threats of American tariffs on Canadian exports, a policy creating even greater angst for prospectors and junior miners in B.C. is a domestic one – revisions to the B.C. Mineral Tenure Act – a hot topic at this week’s annual Association of Mineral Exploration (AME) Roundup conference.

Revisions to the “free entry” claim staking process in B.C. are to be implemented in March, and there are fears that it will put a major chill on investment in mineral exploration in B.C.

Under the revised act, prospectors will no longer be able to stake claims in secret. First Nations with rights and titles claims to the area in which claims are filed will have to be notified. Prospectors say this is akin to making proprietary information public, and will deter them from staking claims in B.C.

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