Local study revealed one in 10 had considered taking their own lives, and a similar percentage had PTSD
A recent report from the U.S. that points to a high suicide rate among miners comes as sobering but not surprising news to folks locally who have done some of their own research on mental-health issues within the industry.
“It’s not a shock but it continues to sadden me that we are seeing those kind of numbers,” said Michel Lariviere, a Laurentian Unversity professor who co-authored a study through the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health on levels of stress, depression and suicidal tendency among workers in this field. “And in a community that is still very much a mining community, it reflects on collective wellbeing for an entire city.”
The analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the suicide rate for men in the mining industry is 72 per 100,000, based on 2021 data. The rate for male construction workers was nearly as alarming, at 56 per 100,000.
“Suicide prevention in the workplace is critical,” said Amanda Sussell, lead author of the report, in a release. “Industries like mining and construction can benefit significantly from mental-health education, training and support programs.”
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