Mineral processing plant will bring hundreds of jobs, business opportunities to Sudbury area – by Lindsay Kelly (Northern Ontario Business – May 29, 2024)


First-of-its-kind $800-$900 million facility, processing Ring of Fire nickel, will give Wyloo an edge in electric battery manufacturing

Hundreds of jobs and economic development opportunities will be created in the region when Wyloo Canada builds its multi-million-dollar minerals processing plant in the City of Greater Sudbury.

Announced on May 29, the facility will be the first in Canada to process nickel sulphate and nickel-dominant precursor cathode active material (pCAM) — minerals needed to make the batteries used in electric vehicles.

Nickel extracted from the mine developer’s Eagle’s Nest Mine, located in the James Bay Ring of Fire mineral belt, will be transported to the Sudbury facility, where it will be refined and purified before being shipped to downstream end users.

Wyloo anticipates producing enough material to supply roughly 250,000 electric vehicles annually, a number that’s expected to triple once it feeds material from third-party producers into the facility.

For the rest of this article: https://www.northernontariobusiness.com/industry-news/mining/mineral-processing-plant-will-bring-hundreds-of-jobs-business-opportunities-to-sudbury-area-8892509