Biigtigong Nishnaabeg and Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nations issued a joint statement on April 2 condemning the provincial government for allowing mining claims to be registered in “core cultural areas” – areas located on lands which Biigtigong and Netmizaaggamig have asserted Aboriginal title.
As stated in the release from both communities, asserting Aboriginal title means that “BN and NN have given notice to the Crown that they did not cede their lands, or agree to share their lands, through the signing of a treaty.”
Speaking to Dougall Media, Biigtigong Nishnaabeg’s Chief Duncan Michano said the province’s lack of consultation has been frustrating. “The province doesn’t consult First Nations – period – when it comes to the staking of these mining claims in the first place,” Michano said.
“With the system they have right now, someone from China, Indonesia, or Russia, can go in my backyard right here and go on a map and stake a claim. Now, they’ve got rights – the province gives them mining and prospecting rights in my backyard and takes that right away from me. Is that right?”
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