An environmental cleanup project is expected to finally get going in Sudbury this year. It was in 2015 when arsenic was discovered in an old gold mine site near the extreme western part of Long Lake, but several delays prevented the project from moving forward until now.
The two tailings ponds above the glory hole are what will be remediated. “What they’re doing is scraping all of the tailings together and putting them together into a compound,” chair of the Long Lake Stewardship Committee, Scott Darling explained.
“Then digging out a bed, laying a proper bed below it, putting the tailings that has the arsenic into it; then they’ll put a cover on top of it and then put a growth barrier on top.” Darling said this will contain the toxic element so it can’t leach into the water table.
The Long Lake Stewardship Committee has been working closely with the Ministry of Mines on the remediation project. According to Darling, the environmental assessment just wrapped up and the next step is to create road access to the site which will allow large equipment to drive in for the cleanup.
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