Expert says green energy proponents have ‘delusions of grandeur’ – by David Staples (Edmonton Journal – February 16, 2024)

Had enough of advocates for green energy technology who promise the sun and the moon in terms of efficiency and cost savings only to have this new tech crap out the moment it’s needed most?

Fed up with an armada of state-of-the-art electric buses where none of the buses work nearly as well as promised and at least half of them are broken down in the garage at any given time?

Done with a power grid with ever greater solar and wind generation capacity, but one that fails on the coldest winter days?

I’m not here to tell you that solar, wind and batteries have no place in the modern world. I am here to question the boundless confidence that some folks have when it comes to relying on them in one of the world’s coldest regions.

For the rest of this column: