Top company official tells chamber of commerce deep mining is the key to Glencore’s future operations in Sudbury
The man who leads Glencore’s Sudbury operations told the city’s business leaders this week that his company remains committed to this region, Canada and mining. Peter Xavier, a company vice-president, acknowledged that Glencore Sudbury’s Integrated Nickel Operations will soon close its Nickel Rim South mine, but that should not be a surprise.
Nickel Rim South Mine will close in late March as it goes into care and maintenance mode. The Skead-area mine’s employees will be reassigned to other Glencore operations in Sudbury, such as the Craig/Onaping project. “Mines have a life,” Xavier told the 128th annual general meeting of the Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce. “We all know mining one site is finite.
“We have extended the date for closure of Nickel Rim South. We are looking at a fair-sized ore body nearby that will replace Fraser (Mine). (The Onaping Depth project) is projected to run to 2035-40.
“With fully dynamic ventilation, plus Wi-Fi throughout new projects, we are operating modern mines. Next time you are in Toronto, look up at the CN Tour and imagine going down five times that height. “Onaping Depth will use battery electric vehicles. Charging infrastructure and heating and chilling air in the 40-50 degree rock temperature presents a large demand for power. Imagine the planning and logistics.”
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