Brazzaville Summit of the Three Basins needs to find ways to protect world’s tropical forests – by Vibha Varshney (Down To – October 25, 2023)

Tropical forests face threat from fossil fuel, mining and extractive industry expansion

As delegates of the Summit of the Three Basins congregate in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo to strengthen South-South governance for three ecosystems — Amazon, Congo, Borneo-Mekong and Southeast Asia — a global report showed that large parts of tropical forests in these areas remain threatened by fossil fuel, mining and extractive industry expansion.

The Three Basins Threat Report: Fossil Fuel, Mining, and Industrial Expansion Threats to Forests and Communities put together by the research and advocacy group Earth Insight and other non-profits, documents the challenges that the world’s remaining tropical forest basins face.

These basins are seeing extensive forest loss and are moving towards a systemic ecosystem breakdown that affects global climate stability, biodiversity and the livelihoods of millions of indigenous peoples and local communities, it added.

Nearly 20 per cent of intact tropical forests in the three basins are now in active and potential oil and gas concessions and nearly 25 per cent in the Amazon and Congo basins are now in active or potential mining concessions.

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