Hearing looking into Mining Act changes to be held in Timmins (Timmins Daily Press – March 16, 2023)


Committee intends to hold public hearings in Timmins on Wednesday, April 5, and in Sudbury on Thursday, April 6.

A provincial committee studying proposals to make the opening of new mines easier and quicker will hold hearings in Sudbury and Timmins next month. The Standing Committee on the Interior will be meeting to consider Bill 71, An Act to amend the Mining Act.

The committee intends to hold public hearings in Timmins on Wednesday, April 5, and in Sudbury on Thursday, April 6. Those who wish to be considered to make an oral presentation on Bill 71 are required to register by noon on Monday, March 27.

Those who do not wish to make an oral presentation but wish to comment on the bill may send a written submission by 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 6. To register or send a written submission, visit ola.org/en/apply-committees.

An electronic version of the Bill is available on the Legislative Assembly website at ola.org. Saying it takes too long to get a new mine approved, the Ontario government has introduced legislation intended to speed up the process.

For the rest of this article: https://www.timminspress.com/news/local-news/hearing-looking-into-mining-act-changes-to-be-held-in-timmins