Yukonomist: The past, present and future of mining and the Yukon economy, Part 1 – by Keith Halliday (Yukon News – December 4, 2022)


The Geoscience 50th Anniversary conference recently took place at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre. Chatting with old friends and meeting new ones was a lot of fun. It was fascinating to hear about new mining technology and mineral discoveries made since the last in-person Geoscience way back in the before times.

And it was heartwarming to meet the children and grandchildren of Yukon geologists, diamond drillers and mining lawyers who are now starting their own careers in the business. I’d last seen some of these young Yukoners on the minor soccer fields of Whitehorse. They are now, literally, the future of Yukon mining.

My keynote was about the past, present and future of mining and the Yukon economy. We are at a critical juncture. The future holds the possibility that mining could make an even bigger positive contribution than it has in the past.

When I was a kid in Whitehorse, mining was a behemoth. Some of my earliest memories are of my dad leaving to go on business trips to Faro. The mine had a rapacious appetite for pickups, and my father was happy to help satisfy it.

For the rest of this column: https://www.yukon-news.com/opinion/yukonomist-the-past-present-and-future-of-mining-and-the-yukon-economy-part-1/