Why Freeland’s “friend-shoring” is such a bad idea – by Richard Mills (A Head Of The Herd – October 24, 2022)


Chrystia Freeland is Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance. Previously she was the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Many people see her as taking over from Prime Minister Trudeau, whose popularity has waned amid a series of scandals, and the arrogance that comes with winning government for two straight terms.

Last week Freeland was in Washington, D.C. giving a speech to the Brookings Institution about Canada’s role in world affairs. Usually these talks are nothing but hot air so I tune out, but in this case, Freeland had some important things to say, on a subject we have previously written about: friend-shoring.

To summarize, Friedland’s position is that we must abandon the optimism, inherent in globalization, that post-communist countries would gradually turn into healthy democracies and good global citizens. In her speech, ‘How Democracies Can Shape a Changed Global Economy’, Freeland insisted that we stop supporting autocracies such as Russia and China and focus on trade and investment in the countries of our democratic allies.

Putin’s Russia and Xi’s China have both moved the goalposts far down the field toward autocracy. Both have declared themselves presidents for life, Putin has twice invaded Ukraine and Xi has threatened to attack Taiwan, along with beefing up China’s military and bullying its neighbors in the South China Sea.

For the rest of this article: https://aheadoftheherd.com/why-freelands-friend-shoring-is-such-a-bad-idea-richard-mills/