Newmont’s Musselwhite Mine celebrates 25 Years of First Nations agreement – by Staff (Northern Ontario Business – September 23, 2022)

Musselwhite Agreement set targets for First Nation employment, business spinoff opportunities and environmental protection

One of the first mines in Canada to enter into a comprehensive agreement with First Nation communities is celebrating the 25th anniversary of that pact.

On September 20, Newmont commemorated the signing of the Musselwhite Agreement that involved Musselwhite’s original owners, Goldcorp, and the mine’s neighbouring signatory communities of Cat Lake First Nation, North Caribou First Nation, Kingfisher Lake First Nation, Wunnumin Lake First Nation, Windigo and Shibogama Councils. The mine also has an agreement with Mishkeegogamang First Nation.

Musselwhite is a fly-in, fly-out operation of 17,548 hectares located 500 kilometres north of Thunder Bay. Commercial production began in April 1997. A Newmont news release said the mine operation hosted several hundred guests, including mine employees, Indigenous leaders and community members, government leaders and business partners.

The Musselwhite Agreement, originally signed in 1996, set targets for First Nations employment, opportunities for business development, and environmental protection. Under a separate agreement, area trappers are compensated for the loss of harvesting rights within a designated area around the mine.

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