VOLT RUSH THE WINNERS AND LOSERS IN THE RACE TO GO GREEN, REVIEWED – by Simon Cocking (Irish Tech News – July 8, 2022)


EVs has been touted as the technological solution that will help to save our planet, and, potentially to save us from ourselves. The switch to electric vehicles would reduce CO2 emissions, pollution, keeping (potentially) fossil fuels in the ground. Henry Sanderson however takes us on a carefully considered and well explained journey to show that it may not be as simple a transition as we hoped for.

Sanderson has chapters specifically analysing the key elements, often rare earth minerals, that are vital to the creation of the necessary batteries to drive these vehicles. Lithium, cobalt and nickel among others are all forensically considered, with often concerning impacts on people and planet.

It may seem wonderful if Norway’s fleet of vehicles is increasingly EV powered, but what is the wider benefit if the ecological impact is merely outsourced to Congo, Chile and other politically fragile countries where the local workers are exploited and work in dangerous and life shortening conditions.

Where once we had blood diamonds, will we now have blood lithium, cobalt and other rare but necessary minerals for the production of electric batteries.

For the rest of this review: https://irishtechnews.ie/volt-rush-winners-losers-in-race-to-go-green/