Sarah de Blois of Sudbury is advocating for more women in mining and more of them in leadership roles
A Sudbury woman, working on her PhD thesis, believes a lot more needs to be done for the acceptance of women working in all levels of the mining industry.
Sarah de Blois was competing this past week in the provincial finals of the 3MT competition (Three Minute Thesis) to outline her dissertation “Women, Mining & Gender: Experiences from Sudbury, Ontario.”
De Blois said part of her research shows that women are under-represented in the mining industry, based on information from the Mining Industry Human Resources Council (2022) showing that only 20.6 per cent of the Canadian mining labour force are women.
“So the purpose of my research was essentially just to understand the culture and climate that’s present within the mining industry, specifically from a gendered lens. So understanding the gendered culture and climates. Does it exist? How does this exist? And how does it affect our work
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