I live high on a cliff, within sight of two extremes of evolution, both rare. One is a set of dinosaur footprints on the foreshore of the Bristol Channel, and the other is a nuclear power station under construction across the water in Somerset.
The footprints are properly old, being left in Triassic mudstones by one of the first Sauropods perhaps 210 million years ago (I find it helpful to visualize this time span as numbers being counted very quickly for almost three years; with Homo sapiens arriving one day ago).
Most dinosaurs lived in the Jurassic period (201 to 145 million years ago), and descendants of my dinosaur include the lumbering giants Brachiosaurus and Diplodocus (which grew to 26 metres long and lived 160 to 145 million years ago).
The Natural History Museum recently authenticated the tracks below me as belonging to a long-necked herbivore (that grew to 10 metres) called Camelotia (named after King Arthur’s nearby mythical castle). Camelotia would have been walking along the edges of a shallow inland sea near the centre of the super-continent Pangea, which started to drift apart relatively soon afterwards.
For the rest of this article: https://www.mining.com/the-view-from-england-uranium-is-hot-once-again/