We can’t be hostage to somebody who can blackmail us’: says Canada’s natural resources minister
OTTAWA – Federal natural resources minister Jonathan Wilkinson said his government is interested in helping Europe replace Russian natural gas and that shipping more natural gas to Europe would not contradict Canada’s climate goals.
Wilkinson said Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is a wake-up call that the continent is far too reliant on Russian energy and in recent international meetings there is widespread desire for change.
“Every one of the European ministers that spoke to me basically said we have to get off Russian oil and gas. We can’t be hostage to somebody who can blackmail us,” Wilkinson said.
Canada has no significant liquified natural gas (LNG) plants today. A massive project is under construction near Kitimat, B.C., but isn’t scheduled to ship gas until 2025 and the main customers would not be in Europe. There are no facilities on the east coast, although several have been proposed.
For the rest of this article: https://nationalpost.com/news/potential-for-canadian-natural-gas-to-help-europe-move-away-from-russia-wilkinson