John Mason raised public awareness of the mining industry in Thunder Bay and helped build a local mining industry supply chain
It might be teary ride for John Mason when he departs Thunder Bay next month to begin a two-day driving trek, heading towards retirement in central Ontario.
After 36 years with the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) in northwestern Ontario and 11 more years with the Thunder Bay Community Economic Development Commission (CEDC) as its project manager of mining services, Mason and his wife Barb are bidding adieu to northwestern Ontario.
His last day with the CEDC is March 4. Final departure from Thunder Bay, his hometown, is on March 19. Just after Christmas, the couple bought a house in Bracebridge that fits the bill. Retirement and relocating is an option the couple had been kicking around for the last two years.
“Blood’s thicker than water,” Mason responded when asked about his decision. One son, Michael, is a physician in town, with another son, Andrew, two hours away in Orangeville. There are five young grandchildren between them, plus a slew of extended family nearby.
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