For report:
Northern College has released an in-depth economic study outlining key barriers to economic expansion and recovery in Northern Ontario following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 24-page study, entitled Coming Back From Covid: A Plan to Rebuild Northern Ontario, was created in partnership with The StrategyCorp Institute of Public Policy and Economy, and was designed to provide an overview of past, current and future economic issues being faced by Ontario’s north.
“As a College, it is key to our continued operation to have a robust and current understanding of the economic status of our catchment region, the job market and any ongoing issues being faced by members of our communities,” stated Dr. Audrey J. Penner, Northern College President & CEO.
“This understanding allows us to work even more closely with employers and members of government to ensure that Northern College continues to meet the needs of its learners and industry partners in order to create a skilled and stable workforce.”
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