One early December morning in 2016, Joe Biden got up, inquired into President Barack Obama’s health, and set off for a snowy Ottawa.
The lame duck vice-president was feted at a ritzy state dinner in the capital, where he called on Justin Trudeau to be a defender of the international “rules of the road” during the period of deep uncertainty he predicted would follow Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th president of the United States.
“We’re more like family even than allies. I mean that sincerely,” he said – repeatedly.
But Biden has not walked his fine talk. A preoccupation with domestic politics has seen him adopt a protectionist agenda, which contravenes the trade agreement Trudeau hammered out with Trump and the Mexican government.
His Administration is proposing to increase U.S. content requirements under the Buy American program, and its Build Back Better legislation includes incentives for electric vehicles that are already re-shaping the automobile manufacturing industry on this continent.
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