Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation hopes to smooth the way forward for its expanded Mary River iron mine proposal during this week’s Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) hearings in Iqaluit. But concerns over wildlife and the mine’s overall impact surfaced during the first day of community roundtable sessions held in Iqaluit, and remotely from Pond Inlet, Nunavut.
These contrasted with the mining company’s promises of increased environmental controls, more involvement for Inuit and attention to traditional knowledge, community improvements — and new cash for the community.
And, looming over the roundtables was the potential of the company pulling the plug on the mine, which could likely mean many local jobs lost. At the start of the hearings, Baffinland’s vice-president of sustainable development, Megan Lord-Hoyle said if the mining company doesn’t get approval for its proposed Mary River’s expansion, it could decide to shutter the mine into care and maintenance.
On Tuesday, the first of four days slated for community roundtable sessions, the NIRB board, Baffinland and other intervenors heard from several community members who said they are upset about the mine’s expansion plans.
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