A ground-breaking ceremony for Northwestern Ontario’s newest and long-awaited gold mine has been set for later this month. The Oct. 27 event is to officially mark the start of the Hardrock mine at the edge of Geraldton, according to one of the partners in the project, Vancouver-based Equinox Gold.
The mine, which has the backing of local Indigenous groups, “will provide an important economic boost and long-lasting benefits to communities in Northern Ontario,” an Equinox news release said Friday.
It’s expected to take about two years to build the $952-million open-pit mine on the outskirts of town, which will require a partial realignment of Highway 11. The local OPP station will also have to be
moved to an in-town location.
When operational, the mine is expected to create 500 direct jobs over an “initial” mine life of 14 years. More than 2,000 people are to be involved in the construction, Equinox says.
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