Canadian Miners Escape by Climbing 4,000 Feet – by Jacquie McNish and Vipal Monga (Wall Street Journal – September 29, 2021)

TORONTO—All 39 miners trapped at a Canadian nickel and copper mine in northern Ontario have been rescued. The last miner emerged at 4:45 am Wednesday, said a spokesman for Vale SA, the Brazilian company that owns the Totten Mine, located west of the town Sudbury.

The workers were unable to exit from the mine Sunday after a giant scoop bucket used for excavation fell from a sling into the mine’s elevator shaft, the spokesman said.

The bucket became stuck in the shaft blocking the elevator. No one was injured by the accident, but the trapped miners were confined to a variety of elevations within the mine, he said.

Emergency crew climbed down ladders with food, ropes and other equipment to prepare workers for a challenging ascent, which at the deepest level was equal to almost three times the height of the Empire State Building.

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