Mapping the rise of resource nationalism in Africa – by Matthew Hall (Mining Technology – July 12, 2021)

A recent study from risk consultancy Verisk Maplecroft found that the Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to a surge in governments pursuing resource nationalist policies – those that attempt to assert at least some sovereign control over natural resources.

Around the globe, 34 countries saw their Resource Nationalism Index, the score Verisk Maplecroft gives to countries based on resource policy, rise significantly in 2020. Africa is home to the heaviest concentration of countries seeking to increase their control over resources.

Reasons for a surge vary depending on the country – but the economic impact of the pandemic has “aggravated an already growing tendency for government interventionism in the resource sector”, according to Verisk Maplecroft, as governments look to recoup some of the financial losses brought on by Covid-19.

We map the African nations where resource nationalism looks set to rise post-pandemic.


Copper contributes just shy of 65% of Zambia’s total gross exports and was marked by Verisk Maplecroft as one of the riskiest countries for resource nationalism following on from the country’s attempted liquidation of Konkola Copper Mines (KCM).

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