I always suspected that the Crowsnest Pass was treated like the asshole of the province, now I’m beginning to see that it’s really true. If you look at certain maps you will be hard pressed to find the Crowsnest Pass; it’s as if the province ended at Pincher Creek. It used to be amusing and the fodder for jokes but now I don’t find it so funny.
The Joint Review Panel (JRP) has submitted its findings and coal mining in this province is in peril. When you have a company as big as Hancock (parent company to Riversdale Resources) get a resounding “the project is not in the public interest” from JRP, it feels like the death walk for coal.
This is what I find incredibly interesting after reading the review. Riversdale spent 5 years and over 20,000 pages trying to convince a government appointed review committee that coal mining is possible in the Crowsnest Pass.
We aren’t talking about some fly-by-the-night company; we are talking about a company owned by Ms. Rinehart, the richest person in Australia in 2020 and the 9th richest woman in the world.
Riversdale didn’t do their submission in-house, they hired one of the best regulatory firms in Canada, a firm that has successfully lobbied and won dozens of reviews in this country.
For the rest of this editorial: https://www.passherald.ca/editorial