The Town of Marathon is banking on preparation paying off. A proposed open-pit mine on the outskirts of the north shore community of 3,300 could attract as many as 2,000 people over the next two to three years.
Earlier this month, Toronto’s Generation Mining released a positive feasibility study of its Marathon Palladium and Copper Project, projecting a 13-year mine life with an aggressive timeline to begin mining by 2024.
The $1-billion development is expected to bring 1,100 construction jobs to town, employ close to 400 miners when in operation, and generate many more indirect and spinoff positions.
“From a community development perspective, we’re prepared to take on that size but a lot of work goes into being prepared to do that,” said town CAO Daryl Skworchinski.
Ever since the demise of Marathon Pulp in 2009 and the 300 mill jobs that went with it, town administrators have been steadily laying the groundwork to be a good host for whatever economic opportunity comes next.
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